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Medical Licenses & Subsidy


Er. Ashutosh Baronia

Our Experts will help to simplify the process and make the tough task easier.

Getting the “LICENCES & SUBSIDY”( NRHM, NABH, NHM, Government Subsidy Etc) is always a tough task. Most of the time we have observed that entrepreneur are invested their initial precious time to get the right licenses. In the initial phase of any business time is money and that why we are here. We provide comprehensive and dedicated services to our clients, which help them to save their precious time and money.  We have a dedicated team of experts to do this job, we will take care all you challenges and hurdles and our team of experts will advise you time to time. We will advise our client well in advance about the formalities and guidelines, resulted getting the “LICENSES” on time with hassle free process.

B-Hosleaf is the Best Hospital Consultant and Building Desing Expert in India
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  We are a team of both Young & Experienced Professionals, Doctors, Architects, Engineers, Artists and Managers. We have Middle out approach to designing and developing Hospital projects which ensure satisfaction both for management and Patients.

       Our Core Team has Combine Experience of 250+ years ensuring best project design and construction. During Design we also consider project operation and Maintenance. With special focus on sustainability & Minimal wastage during construction. Our Projects are plan & designed to operate as efficiently as possible ensuring cost reduction of operation up to 70% when compared to conventional Hospitals.

        With our Technology Partners Elementalz Inc. India's Extensive capabilities we can plan and  Execute, any and all project with almost pin point accuracy by using advance Building Information modelling and Simulation Software.

Delhi Office  : H.No.134, First floor,
                       old gupta colony, ram
                       gali, Delhi - 110009
Bhopal Office: Plot no. 7, Rajvansh
                       colony, ayodhya
                       bypass road, Bhopal
                       MP - 462016
Raipur Office: Flat No.1. Shiva Apt.
                       Byron Bazaar, Raipur
                       CG -

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